There are many reasons for make or buy decisions in logistics and the resulting outsourcing or insourcing measures: concentrating on core competencies, variabilising fixed costs, reducing costs and increasing flexibility are among the classic arguments for outsourcing. The lack of suitable logistics locations and skilled labour as well as high and difficult-to-calculate construction costs are currently further reasons for considering outsourcing. Insourcing measures are often considered if there is dissatisfaction with the logistics or fulfilment service provider or if companies are looking to change their strategy.

viaLog advises companies on outsourcing and insourcing decisions by preparing make-or-buy analyses and project management for the implementation of corresponding measures.

Objectives and questions of a make-or-buy analysis

Objectives and questions that often represent the start of a make-or-buy analysis include

Validation of strategic corporate decisions

How do in-house logistics and external logistics perform in a neutral comparison according to qualitative and quantitative criteria?

Identification of development scenarios

How can corporate logistics develop optimally in the future?

Identification of strengths and weaknesses

Which parts of logistics processing can a service provider take over? What is better handled in-house?

Interface definition

How can the collaboration with a service provider be organised? Who takes over which processes?


What can optimised in-house logistics look like? What changes are necessary in the warehouse?

Invitation to tender

Which logistics service provider is the right partner?

Investments and running costs

How high are the investment and running costs of the different scenarios?

viaLog’s services for a make-or-buy analysis

viaLog advises you holistically and neutrally on the best solution for your logistics. We offer the following services as part of a make-or-buy analysis:

  • Analysis of existing logistics processing
  • Concept development for optimised in-house processing
  • For outsourcing considerations: Tendering of services, comparison and evaluation of offers
  • For insourcing considerations: Preparation of warehouse planning, comparison of investments and running costs with actual processing
  • Final evaluation of the results of the analyses including recommendations for action

viaLog’s references for make or buy analyses and outsourcing









This is an excerpt of our references in the area of make or buy analyses and outsourcing. Please note that due to confidentiality agreements, we are only allowed to name a fraction of the projects we have worked on, particularly in the case of this service. The complete overview of all projects released for publication can be found in our “References” section.

Christian Deiting, Partner und Projektleiter

Do you need to make a make or buy decision?
Our logistics experts will be happy to advise you!

From the make or buy analysis to outsourcing or insourcing

viaLog supports you in the realisation of your logistics strategy

After the make or buy analysis, we are happy to support you in realising your decision. For both outsourcing and insourcing, viaLog can take over the overall project management or individual tasks – just as you wish.


viaLogs outsourcing services

If your company decides to outsource, we will be happy to support you with the implementation. This includes, among other things

  • In-depth conceptualisation together with one or more pre-selected service providers
  • Concrete contract design with the service provider
  • Implementation planning
  • Cost and performance controlling

viaLogs insourcing services

Is insourcing the right solution for you?

  • We are happy to take on the warehouse planning, including warehouse layout, determining the appropriate warehouse technology and IT support, investments,
  • prepare the tender for the required warehouse technology and IT,
  • negotiate the contractual conditions and
  • accompany the realisation up to the start of live operation.

Outsourcing – advantages and disadvantages

Outsourcing advantages

Fokus auf Kernkompetenz

Logistikabwicklung bindet keine Ressourcen (Personalgewinnung und -management, keine Bindung von Flächen, kein Aufbau / Einkauf von Kompetenzen nötig)


Keine laufenden Kosten für Gebäude, Instandhaltung, Personal etc.


Insbesondere bei schwankenden Bestandsverläufen (Saisonware, neue Produkte etc.)

Testballon/Anfangsstadium Markterschließung

U.a. gerne genutzt bei neuen, weiter entfernten oder ausländischen Standorten, die nicht vom Stammsitz beliefert werden können

Vermeidung von Investitionen

weniger Kapitalbindung und zusätzliche Fixkosten

Outsourcing disadvantages

Kosteneinsparungen fraglich

Dienstleister-Abwicklung nicht zwangsläufig günstiger als Inhouse-Abwicklung

Fehlender Fulfillment-Partner

Passende Dienstleister für anspruchsvolle Aufgaben (Lebensmittel- oder Pharma-Produkte, große Abwicklungen, personalintensive Abwicklungen etc.) nicht immer leicht zu finden

Fehlendes Knowhow

Dienstleister muss Wissen über die individuellen Abwicklungsanforderungen erst aufbauen, z.B. sich auf Kundenanforderungen einstellen

Mögliche Distanz zum Kunden

Mittel zur Kundenbindung kann verloren gehen

Are you about to make a make-or-buy decision?

Our experts will be happy to advise you!

Christian Deiting, Partner und Projektleiter

You can get to know viaLog free of charge and without obligation. In an initial meeting, our logistics planners will introduce themselves and familiarise themselves with your make or buy question.

Over the course of one to two hours, we will discuss your ideas and wishes with regard to planning, goals for implementation and cost expectations.

This appointment is free of charge for you.

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